CLE Information

Webinar CLE Information

  • TLA applies for Continuing Legal Education credit from every State in which it is required.
  • Please be aware that some states do not allow webinars as an approved format for continuing education (Delaware, Indiana, Kansas, and Pennsylvania).
  • All participants who complete the evaluation following the webinar will be provided with the uniform certificate of attendance.

General CLE Information

[Note:  Continuing Legal Education guidelines change frequently.  The content of this page is current to the best of our knowledge, based on information gathered from each individual state.  Please be aware of the specific guidelines for the state(s) to which you are barred.]
Accreditation is requested for each TLA program from every state with mandatory continuing legal education (MCLE) requirements. However, please be aware that each state has its own rules and regulations, including the definition of continuing legal education.
  • CLE forms are provided at each TLA educational program.  Forms are provided after TLA webinars once evaluations have been completed.
  • Please complete a separate Uniform Certificate of Attendance (CLE form) for each state in which you wish to claim credit.
  • Presenters from Illinois may request a separate CLE form.
If you are claiming credit in one of the states listed below, complete the front side of the CLE form provided and return it to the registration desk (if at a live event) or to the TLA Executive Office via email at [email protected].  TLA will then forward the Certificates to the appropriate organizations. 








New Mexico

New York

North Carolina



South Carolina 



West Virginia

If your state is NOT listed above nor below with state-specific considerations, it is “self reporting” and you should use the Uniform Certificate of attendance to report your own credits to your state bar association.
The following states do not have mandatory MCLE requirements: 

District of Columbia

South Dakota

State-Specific Considerations:
  • KANSAS – If the Kansas-specific form is not yet available, please complete the uniform certificate of attendance and return it to the TLA registration desk on-site.  Following the event, TLA will provide you with the Kansas-specific affidavit for you to complete and submit to the Kansas CLE Commission within 30 days of the event.  Kansas will only accept its affidavit. 
  • MONTANA – A Montana state-specific CLE form will be available at the registration desk or contact the TLA Executive Office.
  • NEVADA – A Nevada state-specific CLE form will be available at the registration desk or contact the TLA Executive Office.
  • NEW YORK – New York participants are required to sign in for each session that they attend.  The sign-in sheets will be located at the registration desk.  Certificates of attendance will be issued to New York participants by the TLA office within 60 days of the event.
  • PENNSYLVANIA – A Pennsylvania-specific CLE form will be available at the registration desk.  Pennsylvania participants should following the instructions on the form when reporting CLE to the state.

CLE forms for non-self-reporting states are processed by the TLA Executive Office. Please contact TLA at [email protected] or (913) 222-8652 with questions.

50-minute/60-minute states: 
See if your state credits CLE by 50 or 60 minutes per hour: