Active Members:Â $350
Corporate Counsel Members: $250
Law Professor Members: $100
Government Attorney Members: $150
Emeritus Members: $100
Student Members: $50
We encourage you to join the Transportation Lawyers Association and be a part of one of our nation’s oldest and most active specialty bar associations. The mission and goal of the Transportation Lawyers Association is to keep all of our members up to date on the constantly changing world of transportation law and the transportation business environment in general.
- Five issues of The Transportation Lawyer, jointly produced by TLA and the Canadian Transport Lawyers’ Association.
- Listing in the on-line TLA Membership Directory of over 1,000 lawyers in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Europe and Australia. The directory is live data; use the directory to locate other attorneys for you or your clients to assist transportation and other legal matters.
- Invitation and member’s discount to all TLA seminars and conferences (See the Calendar under the Upcoming Meetings and CLE section for current information).
- The Transportation Law Institute held each Fall
- The Chicago Regional Seminar, held each January
- The Annual Conference, held in May of each year
- Involvement in an energetic and vibrant committee structure, providing more opportunities for interaction and updates on various aspects of our legal practices.
- Access to the TLA website “Members Only” sections of the website, designated with a lock.
Membership Categories
Active Members – $350. Any person who is licensed to practice law in any country, state or jurisdiction as an attorney, barrister, solicitor, proctor in admiralty, avocat, abogado or equivalent title under the laws of such country, state or jurisdiction, who is of good moral character and who is engaged in any field or phase of transportation law which involves representing and/or assisting providers and/or commercial users of logistics and transportation services shall be eligible for active membership unless such person, or a firm with which he or she is affiliated as an employee, partner or otherwise, is held out as regularly engaging in prosecution of plaintiffs’ personal injury claims against providers of logistics and transportation services. Membership can be revoked at any time if the member, due to the member’s practice or the practice of the member’s firm, is determined by the Executive Committee of the Corporation to no longer be eligible pursuant to the qualifications established by the Corporation. The Corporation reserves the right to amend such qualifications from time to time and is vested with the exclusive discretion to determine qualification for membership. An eligible Active Member shall remain in good standing upon payment of periodic dues prescribed by the Executive Committee of the Corporation pursuant to Section 10.A of this Article II.
Corporate Counsel – $250. Any person who is otherwise qualified for Active Member status, and who devotes all or substantially all of his/her professional and vocational time to services for an employer that is a business organization, other than a law firm, shall be eligible to be a Corporate Counsel Member.  The “Corporate Counsel Member” category shall include, among others, a member who serves as in-house or corporate counsel to such a business organization.  A Corporate Counsel Member shall remain in good standing upon payment of periodic dues prescribed by the Executive Committee and the membership pursuant to Section 11.A of this Article II, and upon continued adherence to the qualifications for a Corporate Counsel Member set forth in these Bylaws.  A Corporate Counsel Member shall have the same rights and privileges as an Active Member under Section 1 of this Article II, including the right to vote or to hold any office of the Corporation.
Law Professor Members – $100. Any person who is licensed to practice law in any country, state or jurisdiction, who is engaged in the teaching of the law at any accredited law school or college on a full-time basis and who is of good moral character shall be eligible for Law Professor Membership. A Law Professor Member shall remain in good standing upon payment of periodic dues prescribed by the Executive Committee pursuant to Section 10.A of this Article II and continued adherence to the qualifications for Law Professor Membership. A Law Professor Member shall have the same rights and privileges as an Active Member, except the right to vote or to hold any office of the Corporation.
Government Attorney Members – $150. Any person who is licensed to practice law in any country, state or jurisdiction, who is employed full-time by a governmental body or agency as a judge, hearing officer, legal counsel or staff attorney (regardless of title), and who is of good moral character shall be eligible for Government Attorney Membership. A Government Attorney Member shall remain in good standing upon payment of periodic dues prescribed by the Executive Committee pursuant to Section 10.A of this Article II and continued adherence to the qualifications for Government Attorney Membership. A Government Attorney Member shall have the same rights and privileges as an Active Member, except the right to vote or to hold any office of the Corporation.